Oh Yea!.....I Have A Blog!!!
Alright i know it's been a while but before the heckling starts let me explain a little bit. In the past month or so, many things have taken place. The largest reason for my lack of postage is that we have sold our house. All I can say is "Finally!", followed by a "whats next?". I have been interviewing for positions at work in hopes of transfering to a more challenging position as well as land myself in a comfortable, more convenient day time position. However for now, my chair at HDR remains empty......or possibly filled by some styrofoam packaging material and one of those drinking birds that bends over and hits the keyboard pointlessly. Either way the end result is the same. Anywho, now that i am officially located over at my parents house (Finally with internet access might i add :-D) I am looking ahead to the upcoming months with a sence of optimism and happiness. Also i am becming more focused on some of my long tern projects (i.e. the Rock Crawler) which i will now have the luxury of devoting time towards. Meanwhile, Nikki has been released from her Oral prison and has no more metal in her mouth. As the year closes and Christmas draws nearer, i am actually finding myself in a good mood (Definatly not the historical normality for the given season). I believe this is for a number of reasons. We are finally able to move forward with our lives having sold our house. We are nearly done with our Christmas shopping and have remained within relative proximity to our budgeted limits. I am nerly done with my Christmas shopping (having done most of it online). And i generally have a good feeling about stuff in general. I have recently been digging into the world of pocket PC's and have a Treo 600 as my Guiney Pig. The one thing i haven't yet found a concrete answer on is whether i can unlock it and change the service provider from Verizon to Sprint. The only major hang up i have found in my research is that Sprint seems to employ a "Whitelist" of acceptable ESR's and doesn't seem to be open to accepting new ones, even for current customers. This, i feel, is something that can be overcome. Other than that, i am fully confident that i can ulock the phone. At the very least it gives me something to entertain myself while i am still stuck in the Inspection Department at US Synthetic and thus recieving no neural stimulation. Anyway, I wish you all a great day!
Yay for Nikki! Rock Crawler? I must have missed something...
Neural stimulation. Feh.
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