Our New Yark Adventure....Yhar!

Well we’re back, as if you hadn’t guesses, and now things are different. The picture above is one we took with our camera of the
Now for those of you who haven’t yet heard, I have returned. Yes that is right my friends I am now working a day shift and ready to participate in all of the late night funnings that had previously been denied due to satanic influence. But wait there is more. Not only am I on days now but I will also be starting a new position on Monday April 10 as the new Research & Development Testing Data Annalist (Yes that is the actual title, sounds cool huh) which will consist of a nice cushy office job with my own desk, computer, etc. My thanks to those of you who helped in the acquisition of this position….. which is a grand total of NONE of you HA HA!, But I do thank you for your support and patience while I bribed my way in. This also means that I will be present at HDR from here on our with a few possible exceptions.
So now that we are back Nikki will begin looking for a new job, actually she has already secured an interview from an inside source this Wednesday to be the new Controller over the athletics department of UVSC. Pretty snazzy, and I think she has a good shot at it too. ALSO, as soon as she DOES get that, or A, job we will begin some hardcore searching for our new house. I’m so happy. While I am grateful to my parents for letting us live here for a few months, it has been old since about our second day here. We are ready for our OWN house again!! Also, we went on a horse ride yesterday, the first one possible since the tragic and eventful opening of the Elk, or Wapiti as named by the Native Navaho Tribes from centuries passed, hunt when Nikki’s jaw absorbed enough energy to lift 1800 lbs of horse meat several feet off the ground, and Nikki rode Tiny. I’m telling you, she is a tough girl so don’t make her mad. Chris already knows what happens when she has a paintball gun and you have her team’s flag, yes testicles were involved. Anyway, I plan on posting again soon as I have much to say. Some of this includes Dave’s reaction when I mysteriously showed up at last week’s HDR. Until then, Stay tuned.
How dare you bring up the paintball incident! It was an accident!!! (sorry chris... :S) - But yes, I was very proud to be riding the horse that kicked me. It was actually a very nice ride.
Hey! You have absolutely no right to disclose to the world that I jumped up and down and screamed like a giddy schoolgirl when you showed up to HDR.
It's not like it's a surprise, Dave. You always jump up and down and scream like a giddy schoolgirl!
Ugh! My testicles. *Hunches over crying*
Yay! Shawn's back! Now we need to have an all night Red Dwarf-a-thon!! Hm... the end of the semster is coming....
Here's a tip for all you paintballers out there:
If your gonna shoot at someone, be sure you're aiming where you want to shoot. Don't just start firing your gun half-cocked.
*snicker* :)
Tee hee! That was dirty :)
I recall someone saying he would update... Make no mistake, there will be an uprising.
Well, considering the title of this particular entry, would'nt it be more like a mutiny?
Yhar, the tide is high, says I.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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