By Grabthar's hammer, what a savings

So it’s nearly the end of June now, and I am wrapping up my Trig class in fact I have my final tomorrow. Also, I start my Calculus class on Wednesday so I don’t get much of a break. Things on the house are presumably going well and we should be set to close in just over a week now. Then it comes time to move all of our collected crap from any of about 5 different locations into our house. I now have my axle completely welded together and ready to bolt in under the frame. This would have been done on Saturday, But some greedy little cheese eating surrender monkey decided to go and buy all of the steel I needed in 1 day. So I am waiting until I can get my hands on the steel I need to finish it. So until then it sits, reverently, quietly, just as still as it can be. Ok that was a bit lame, but that’s me. Anyway, MFL practice is about to speed up and become a hot item. We’ve only got two more weeks until it opens so there is much that needs to be done. Really there isn’t anything interesting going on, unless you count being hopelessly busy as interesting. My head feels about to explode from studying. But in other news it’s time for my shameless sellout of the afternoon. ”Are you feeling like less of a man? Have you tried acting all macho but just haven’t got the emotional drive to get you there? Do you just need a little more ‘Man-power’ for an upcoming occasion? Well then try new Testosteroni from Chef Boyardee. Fun noodles in the shapes of things guys like, such as: Dragsters, hunting rifles, steak, robotic killing machines, our best noodle representation of an explosion, and of course female body parts best left un-described! Now what says ‘I’m a man’ better than eating a noodle shaped like Chuck Norris!? And we haven’t forgotten you twisted little FREA ..….. uh alternatively attracted ‘individuals’. Yes that’s right! We also cater to the gay community with our new ‘I wish I had no Penne Alfredo’. Noodles that are an abomination to organized society and those who participate in….. I mean fun shapes that’ll keep you giggling.” There, shameless product introduction of the afternoon is done. So anyway, I’ll leave you with that so you can ponder the fun and giggley shapes. Oh the shapes!
Oh, my mascara is running--the hilarity of it all! I'm especially interested in "our best noodle representation of an explosion." And let's not forget noodles in the shape of bidness.
So, I'm going to go ahead and say that you and Nikki being in My Fair Lady is officially my new excuse not to look for a job. I'll just have to wait until I go see that, then I'll look....ha ha!
..... Wow.... just wow.....
Leave it to Shawn to bring a smile to your face. Who knew my husband was so original in such disturbing ways?.... I mean, "I wish I had no Penne Alfredo?!" funny, but wow.
Those of us who knew Shawn when he was in 10th grade are not so surprised. :D And Dave says you forgot pasta in the shape of Chuck Norris. (Oh how I hates him!!)
I'm somewhat dumb-founded. All I can fathom is a paltry WTF in regards to this blog entry. Although I do think that a call to Chef Boyardee is in order.
Ah, I see that you found a way to sneak Chuck Norris in there. Very impressive. Somehow that makes the whole thing ten times funnier.
Trying to protect my penne alfredo. Te-hee!
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