In other news...

For those of you who haven’t heard, this month I have achieved two main things that have been on my list for quite some time. After months of waiting, my concealed weapons license finally came through. Of course, what good is a license to carry a weapon if you don’t have a weapon small enough to carry? None at all that’s what and for that reason I had been planning on purchasing one for a while now. All the research I had done finally paid off and I purchased my very own Glock model 27 subcompact .40 S&W with Night sights (I’m sure you all know exactly what I’m talking about, but let me have my moment).
Along with the gun I also bought a grip extension and am waiting for my conceal carry holsters to arrive. Now If only I could find the time to get out and shoot it a bit I’d be golden. Many of you are probably asking yourselves if it’s really necessary to go to all the effort and expense for something that I’ll probably never actually need to use. To that I respond, that I hope you’re absolutely right and I never have to use it for self defense. However, in light of recent events around the country, here in Utah, and even at UVSC where I go to school, I have arrived at the conclusion that I do not feel safe at school nor do I feel that the faculty and administration are capable of protecting students like me in the event of the unspeakable. Therefore I will legally take my personal protection into my own hands and hope that I never have to exercise it. Anyway, on to other news. This coming Friday September 28th the Nikkinator and I will find out what gender the growth in her stomach is and can begin forfeiting our hard earned earth monies on clothes which will last the Neonate for a month or two. At any rate there is a post on the forum for you all to interject your speculations on what yon gender will be.
I have always been a Springfield man myself. Looks like a nice gun.
It's all shiny! When Nikki told me about it I thought she said wok, and I told her that I wanted Chinese food. LOL
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