The most Loneliest day of my liiiiiiiiiiiiiiife.....

That’s right Chillins, it’s DONE! We called Maaco 2 weeks ago on a Monday to get an Idea what they would charge to spray the final coat and see if in fact I wanted to do it myself to save $$. It was at this point that I learned about their half off sale which was running until the end of the month of March. This made it almost as cheap as it would be if I were to do it all by myself. For us to get the deal we’d have to get the truck into them by Saturday the 31st. I had 5 days to get my entire truck from the state it was in to be ready for paint. Between school, work and that project I had zero time for anything else. I even took a day off to help propel my work forward. Friday night (aka Saturday morning) we finished at about 1:30 and then collapsed. We dropped the truck off at around Noon and then I waited on pins and needles for an entire week. I picked it back up just this past Saturday and had her back together and looking sexy by the end of the day. Just a few things are needed to complete the restoration (most of which are interior) and they will come in time. I would probably like to get some new tail lights since mine are all smashed and such. To be completely fair I didn’t even tell my family about this project until yesterday when we drove up in my “new” ride, so no one should feel offended that they weren’t “in the loop” (or at least you should all be equally offended). Anyway, that’s what we’ve been up to lately. Sorry for the length between the posts, besides work being a little busier than normal, I’ve had this going on. I’ll be good from now on. Later!
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