Lucas Arts meets BBC

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but there really hasn’t been much of note. I bought another gun since my last post (a Glock model 20 in 10mm Auto) and the Nikkinator finally got her fabled Bedroom set of glorious cherry wood doom. Other than that, it’s been work and school. For only taking 11.5 Credit hours, I seem to be inundated with homework and have very little free time (more so than in the past when I have taken more credit hours). I guess it may stem from the types of classes I am taking. Um… the deer hunt opens this coming weekend so I’ll be participating in that and hoping I don’t get shot by some hunter wannabe amateur toting his dad’s 30-06 and some brand new Real-Tree camouflage with scent locker. The Nikkinator is doing just fine packing around the Neonate and we have acquired an anti-nursery full of unwanted baby hardware that is making our house stink like babies do (since some of it was used). I don’t mean the dirty diaper kind of stink, the only thing I can link it to is the smell of baby formula…. our house smells like baby formula. It’s not surprising that everything smells like that since I estimate that about 37.4% of all food and liquids which go down an infant’s throat will be making a round trip and end up spattered all over what ever is nearest. I’m not the only one who thinks this stuff smells funny. The girls have been interrogating each piece of equipment with their amazing olfactory powers of deduction in an effort to identify who these mysterious juice emitting people are and if they’ll be coming anywhere near our house. Besides acting as a staging area for all the curious doodads associated with Neonate generation, the Anti-Nursery is also now home to our best “Death” yet. I even equipped him with a scythe. This year he looks even more 3D, stands at about 7 feet tall, has no discernable facial features, and watches our front walkway. If I had though ahead I would have taken a picture to post here, but since I am an idiot there is no such picture…. yet. I am getting excited for Halloween and though my costume is somewhat situational and humorous, it lacks the wang of last years Half-Life 2 Zombie costume. I had thought of trying to come up with some kind of a hazard suit and some thick black square framed glasses and go as Gordon Freeman, but figured I’d played that card enough. I am trying to prepare myself for the dreadful holiday season, and am proud to say that I am done with buying presents for the Nikkinator. This means that I don’t have to contend with any hordes of Christmas shoppers, and can go duck hunting instead. Last year, I actually enjoyed the
I am being a spoilsport this year and not dressing up for halloween. :( This might be the first year I haven't even put forth an effort.
Yeah bedroom set! FYI, it should be noted that said fabled bedroom set of glorious cherry wood doom is both my Birthday and Christmas present, so basically Shawn got off REALLY easy this year... but that's okay because I now have the bedroom set I've wanted for years! :D Also, I realized that if I ever wanted to get anything for myself I had better get it beofre the neonate makes it's apperance, as after that our earth monies will all be sucked up by diapers and daycare :'(
I want to see pictures of the furniture!
Arch, you said you were going to dress up for the party...
I have to say, I am most impressed that you actually got an esset! Yay for German!
People should read this.
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