What if he's got a pointed stick?

Yea, I know I’m slacking! SO, there are THINGS going on, yes? Here’s the news. We will be closing this after noon (June 28) and it looks like we’ll be able to move in right away. We should get the keys tomorrow (June 29) and then we are set to start bringing stuff over. I will be taking Friday off of work and moving as much in as I can. This weekend we hope to be getting most all of our stuff over there and hopefully get the vitals unpacked so we can start living there. Also, My Fair Lady is nearing the opening night and preparations are frantic with last minute things, polishing the scenes and finishing up costumes and what not. And now having dropped my calculus class, I only have the two online classes going. History is mildly entertaining but mostly boring. I think this is largely due to the heavy emphasis on the political side of American history as opposed to the cool stuff like assassinations, war, espionage, intrigue, and of course learning that pretty much every American president was hated by the end of their term no matter the circumstances. I used to think that distrusting politicians was merely because of a few “bad apples” but the more research I do the more I find that ever since the pre-Civil War era the majority of them have been corrupt, hypocritical, money grubbing, weasely, in it for them selves instead of the people they represent, morons worthy of being dragged into the street and beat to death with a clown shoe! He he >Squeak!< And it is with that in mind that I nominate myself for the office of the president! “If elected I promise to have all of your legs sawn off! ... and replaced with legs of PURE GOLD! Plus I will grant you the power to fire lasers from your head!” (This is the part of the campaign where I promise you ridiculous things just to get your vote. These things will never come to pass but because I am so superior to all of you voters, you will fail to see this until I’m elected and then get offended when you realize that you are stupid. Another reason you’ll vote for me is because the only other candidate who can tie his own shoe is a slobbering moron who campaigns by attempting to change every law /amendment /commandment /religious reading that you hold dear and right. Besides, the way he looked in one particular moment of one particular conference when he was really excited was a little scary. As entertainment to the “voters” we will hold press conferences and debates and what not where we will discuss “complicated” subjects like whether we should allow gay abortionists to remove the word “God” from the influx of violent immigrant child abusers who CLEARLY play too many video games with vile acts of self desecration in them! [By the way these are current issues I pulled off of the
Whoa! Have I been smoking too much pot?!? When did Shawn become president?!? I guess I should have voted instead of protesting the-use-of-clown-shoes-weapons act.
Mr. Manimal,
Cease and Desist!!!
I represent the Gay Abortionists for the removal of the word “God” from the influx of violent immigrant child abusers who CLEARLY play too many video games with vile acts of self desecration in them Organizational Union and we feel that this blog entry places a negative connotation to our agenda.
We ask that you cease and desist all entries into this blog that might implicate any part of our organization as some form "parody" or we will be forced to take legal action.
I believe that people should vote for me. Not because of anything I've ever done, or will do, but because I'm very cute.
I will hold puppies and babies, and not mention anything about any "issues".
Remember November is coming. Vote for me cause I'm cute!
Darn you Bog! Voting for me because I'm very cute was my angle! Now I'll have to think of something else, and quickly...and it'll probably have to involve showing a little ankle. Top that!
OOHH!!! Hey that's right up your alley there Bog! Avast ye swabs for i am sure to claim victory in the upcoming election. My Steakiness and Blowfistiosity is FAR superior to those with less ominous names. BWAHAHAHAHA!!
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