The Smithing of Guns

Well I have officially started the final stage of my 220 Swift a la 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser con Remington 700,
fully floated and pillar bedded weapon creation initiative. Basically, I finally have gathered all the components I'll need to finish the project and get things ready to fire. The final piece of the puzzle was the Remington 700 action (aka receiver) which I will be robbing from an old school Remington .270 from a local Pawn Shop. It came with a cheap Simmons 3-9x40 scope that will most likely end up on my SKS or one of my Ruger 1022's. Anyway, I've attached a couple of pictures before and after the deconstruction of the donor rifle. Next on the Agenda is to contact a Gunsmith friend of mine who has a barrel vise to break the old barrel free. Remington uses a thread locker which breaks down at temperatures above 250 F, so I've cooked the barreled action assembly at 400 F for 30 minutes to break it down. I have already bead blasted both replacement barrels (the 220 Swift and the 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser) and had them blued to match each other and give a matte finish. I have a synthetic stock which I’ve already cut out for 1/16” clearance around both barrels (fortunately both have about the same taper characteristics to them). Basically I’m ready to go as soon as I get the action freed up. I’ll post soon with more updates.
Happy day, guns all around! SO, how many guns will you now own??? Seriously, I feel like we house enough weaponry for a militia!
Are you sure that's English?
I didn't know that guns involved baking. Maybe whip up a batch of muffins while you're at it?
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