Theological Ramblings

So here’s a rather random post. It’s about a silly idea I’ve entertained for a long time, more or less out of boredom with the typical explanations of existence. It seems to me that if some people believe there is an all-powerful entity beyond the realm of physical dimensions we observe, as well as time itself, then presumably they likewise hold that there is some boundary (be it physical or otherwise) beyond which our notions of causality break down. If this is the case then my little notion is just as likely as other theological explanations I’ve heard.
Suppose there is only one conscience in the entirety of existence. Think of it as just one person. The universe this “being” finds itself in is in all actuality a manifestation of its own mind, which is itself just a consequence of existence. To put it another way, this non-physical creature exists, but is only aware of the reality held within its own mind. Within this mind lies what we perceive to be the physical universe (space and time). This creature is not the creator of this space, it is the consequence of a conscious mind needing a framework within which to work (this sounds a lot more complicated than it is). Within this “mind-space” the creature becomes a physical being with a history, a present existence and an unknown future, much like a dream over which one has no control. This internal existence manifests very simply at first, like a tiny particle with no volume, a point particle with no properties. After some countless time the dream cycle returns on itself, but some of the previous memories seem to return involuntarily and intrude into the new dream cycle. This has the effect of increasing complexity, as the new idea can build on and interact with the old. The next manifestation may come as a particle with some weight, or charge, or spin (obviously I’m using physical traits with which I am familiar, but this does not have to be the case).
This recurring trend of cycling dreamlike existence with bleed through from previous cycles builds and builds until you have a universe which resembles our own. The laws which govern this space are never “created” but rather are themselves consequences of very early occurrences over which the dreamer had no control (they just kind of “happened”). After some time, the dreams take a twist and the dreamer becomes a self-replicating molecule. It is able to make copies of itself, and finds this irresistible. Eventually the molecule is destroyed (perhaps after some considerable time) and the cycle renews. Once again, some of the complexity is pulled through and the “universe” in which this creature dwells takes finer form.
Although the dreamer never becomes aware of this, it is interacting with the manifestations of its own imagination. In a sense, it is interacting with previous versions of itself, only in the same space and time. As the cycles continue, the creature expounds upon multicellular forms, advanced forms of self-replication, a myriad of complex forms, and interactions with these other forms. The ultimate consequence is what you and I perceive as individuality. Though we are only “ideas” in the mind of some self-unaware entity which exists outside of anything we understand, we think ourselves special and unique. We begin to refer to the dreamer as God, guessing at the nature of its intentions. The others with which we interact are manifestations from previous cycles, though some distortions (however minor) occur between the spaces, some like a nightmare. The chain of events which created us is too long and complex to be repeated exactly, and could never have been planned as the dreamer was never in control to begin with. Though many parts of our perceived universe have already “lived” the future, they are bound to our timeline. Within that timeline they have not yet lived through their entirety, thus the future remains a mystery to all on the same timeline.
As the cycles progress, the dreamer explores philosophy and science to degrees which seem endless. Eventually, the manifestations discover small signs of the cycle’s complex workings and realize they may be able to “see the future” with sufficient studying. They interrogate and probe their world restlessly. The dreamer stirs, and the manifestations ultimately realize that the dreamer has created everything, has lived as every possible “thing” for countless eons, and has been interacting with itself the entire time. At this realization the dreamer awakes and the existence created in its mind vanishes entirely. The dreamer now exists without self-awareness, without space or time, without any means of conception. Perhaps, the dreamer will again find itself with a mind, but it is impossible to tell. There is no time, no consequence, no law, nothing but a concept with an unknown potential to create something rare, strange and beautiful which can never be shared but from within itself.
It should be said that I do not hold this belief, nor is it particularly original. It seemed original when I first had the notion sometime in my childhood, but has invariably been influenced by my surroundings. Nevertheless, I think it’s on par with other more mainstream ideas of origins and universal purpose.
I feel like I did when I watched "Inception" the first time. Mind blown, good sir. Mind blown.
Ahhhh, the sweet embrace of the sycophant.
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