Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My own little disco inferno here....

So I says to myself, “Me, why you like killin’ bee’s so much” and then I reply with “Well, don’t rightly know, ‘ceptin’ I likes the smell they make and the way they wiggle when on fire!” Yes folks, I have discovered hornets around our house. However, due to their proximity TO said house I was not able to use my normal means of “flaming napalm death” to rid myself of these horrible little demons. Instead, I was compelled to purchase some of that “I’m afraid to get within 400 feet of the nest” spray killer for pansies. Well My Fair Lady is now officially over. Nikki and I were all happy because we had a 3 day weekend to enjoy our new found free time, but little did we know. Saturday we had to get up at 5am to take my parents up to the airport so they could go and vacationize them selves. After returning we decided that we wanted more sleep and that we were going to get it. We then woke up a second time and went on a horse ride which took the better part of the day. Then we went to the final performance and cruised on home for some more sleep. Sunday we went to our new Ward for the first time and, despite having been told that we’d be announced and asked to stand up thus creating the reason for us to go in the first place…(partially true), we remained anonymous. The few people that did greet us were friendly and what ever, but I’d still like to dwell un-noticed in the shadows for a while longer. After that it was time to work on unpacking some more. Then the day ended all too suddenly and we had done… some things (not THOSE things). Monday it was time to mow the lawn and various other yard related things ( he he bee killing) and then a quick trip to Wal-mart to pick up the few things which yet remained on our shopping list. 2 hours (and another $200) later, we immerge from Wal-mart and vow that we are not going to spend any more money on food and house stuff, although our food storage is nearly complete. We then decide to go take a ‘gander’ around the RC Willey clearance center and see if we could find a couch for our living room, or some other piece of furniture that we felt we needed to make our lives complete. We walked around in their climate un-controlled building for an hour or two, ate a crappy hot dog, sweated like pigs (which I don’t get because when we had pigs, they only sweated when it was hot…… just like people. So why can’t we just say “hey, I sweated a lot because it was quite warm” crazy animal hating bunch you are!) and then decided to leave. So we were on our way out (which is when most of the REAL shopping gets done. And by out I mean we were actually outside….in the heat…a lot of it) and saw a couch, a big couch, 4 big couch (I left this singular on purpose, because it was all one couch, yes it was outside). We looked at the tag and decided to sit on it. When I sat on it I hated it. This is probably because the surface temperature was around the neighborhood of say 120 Fahrenheit. But after I lost consciousness it felt pretty nice. So we look into it further and the tag only lists 3 of the 4 pieces, and there is clearly a fourth piece sitting just far enough away as to suggest that it was indeed SUPPOSED to be separate. However, this fourth piece did not have a price tag on it and the price tag for the main set had its serial number crossed through with pen. At this point, it occurred to me that if we wanted to find out what was going on, we’d have to talk to one of the sales associates (a.k.a. sub-middle management vultures). So we did, and she had to talk to her manager about every single question we asked her. Anyway, we wanted to know how much it would be for the whole set so that we could tell her that we weren’t going to pay that much. And indeed, when she told us (after talking to her manager of course) we told her we wouldn’t pay that much. We DID however tell how much we would pay, at which point she went and ok’d it with her manager. Then we suddenly bought a couch… a big couch…4 big couch. The problem with the couch, the big couch, 4 big couch, was that it is difficult to move from one location to another. Now I don’t know about you all out there in reader land, but when I think of difficult things to move I think of horses. And what do we use to move horses (besides firecrackers).. a trailer. So I get the horse trailer, and I had to clean the crap out of it (literally), and am able to wedge it nicely in the parking lot so that no one can get around me while I’m there (at this, I smile… “that is SO Arizona”). Fortunately, the dudes at RC Willey were in charge of covering it and putting it in the trailer. Once in there, the couch, the big couch, 4 big couch, took up the entire volume of the trailer. So we get it home, unload it and get it in the house. And by in the house I mean that it was all in the living room, not where it was going to reside. Besides our living room isn’t big enough to contain this couch, this big couch, 4 big couch. So we decided to break it up and leave half of it upstairs in the living room, and the rest of it down in the anti-theater (because it’s not a theater….yet), which is where it will all end up eventually. So we start to take the biggest piece down stairs, and it won’t fit. At this point I noticed that it appears to have a built in seam part way through it which looks like it may separate with a little…persuasion. Indeed I was right, and who ever built the couch was smart and provided a way to take bits of it off and make it possible to maneuver. So I separate it off, and we make another go. So close, but no. So we pack it back up the stairs again and take off another piece of it. This time it barely fits and we actually get it in the anti-theater where it gets reassembled and will live out the remainder of its life because I am NOT taking that thing back up the stairs. Thus we have a couch, a big couch, 4 big couch, for the theater and bits of it will function as a living room set until we feel rich and can get something for that purpose. Nikki and I will be trying to get our house a little more in order and we will hopefully be planning a house warming party for the first weekend in August. This is subject to change and I’ll keep you all posted. Until then, don’t die.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huzzah! The first to comment! The warm fuzzies are MINE! ALL MINE!! HA HA!!

Yay couch, big couch, 4 big couch! I look forward to seeing your couch, your big couch, your 4 big couch.

7/25/2006 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the 'up and down the stairs' dance with an 8 1/2 foot section of couch... a big couch, 4 big couch... If it is ever to leave the anti-theater, it will have to suffer death by being hatcheted into pieces.

7/25/2006 1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want one!! (I also want a house large enough to support such a 4 big couch...)

7/25/2006 8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a totally unrelated note,

I give you this thought thanks to your "disco inferno" title of sorts.....

A couple of nights ago, being hopped-up on goofballs and the like, I happened to pass by Bryant in his easy chair watching Saturday Night Fever. And may I just say I thank the Lord every day that I was not born in the 70s....
Anyway, being all insane at the moment, I decided to pull up some couch and watch along with him. The movie itself is okay, I guess, but I'm of the opinion that it should not be called disco "dancing" anymore. Dancing is the last thing these people are doing, it appears to be more like a body-spasming-to-the-beat type thing. Hence, I would like to coin the term "Discoing" to reference this particular spasm fit. I would use the term "disco spasming" but then it turns into something that a doctor might have to look at and might invoke the use of multiple paper towels. But I digress. After watching a good chunk of the movie, I decide that I am tired and want to go bed. The last thing that I remember watching before losing consciousness is a scene with John Travolta and the lead female character in some roller disco with the Bee Gees song "More Than a Woman" playing in the background. I recommend NOT having this as the final song you listen to in a day because it will cause dreaming the likes of which may turn very odd in nature. So, I fall asleep and start to dream, which is weird as many of you all know because I just never dream. In my dream I'm at Shelly and Tyler's in their basement and I'm finishing up some random Karaoke-ish song. After I'm done, it is now Shawn's turn to dazzle the group with his vocal prowess. There was some sort of discussion had as to which song he was going to sing, to which I really didn't pay attention which results in the my memory filling in that conversation with random "Charlie Brown's Mother" trumpet noises. As the song starts to play, I think to myself, "Self, you know this song. It's very familiar." As the strings and wakicha-wakicha guitar start playing I realize this is disco and more specifically the Bee Gees. At this point, I get a little concerned. Then it happens! I hear Shawn, as he does typically in his pirate karaoke voice, sing "Yhar, More than a wo-man....More than a wo-man to me." In response to said freakiness my body does one of those as-I-hit-the-ground-from-falling-in-my-dreams whole body jerk just enough to make me fall out of the couch on which I was asleep. Being all bewildered as to how I got to be in such state, Bryant took this opportunity to tell me I should stop having dreams that I'm Indiana Jones and suggested switching to decaf.

Sorry for the long post, but it had to be said. Otherwise the fate of the world would be at hand and all that jazz.

7/26/2006 8:09 AM  
Blogger Maximus_Manimal said...

So it seems i can't upload picture to blogger. This is sad because i had some cool ones ready to go!

7/26/2006 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, so we now HAVE to find a karaoke vesrion of 'More than a Woman!'

7/26/2006 1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow--I can't even type anything else in response to that dream, I'm laughing so hard. Hi-larious!

Onto a different note: Shawn, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't refer to it as either sweating like a pig, or saying "I sweated a lot because it was quite warm." The correct phrase is "sweated like a whore in church." Get it right, jeez! :)

7/26/2006 2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Dave doesn't dream about me... *shudder*

I agree, we REALLY need to find a karaoke version of that song. :D Not to mention the fact that we all need to karaoke more often anyway.

7/26/2006 6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS, Deliveror really needs to start a blog...

7/26/2006 6:47 PM  

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