Yup, that's right! It's captain o-zone... Well I figure I’d better get to writing before Heather lashes out violently at me! Well, opening night was last Friday and in my opinion it went very well. Now there are only two more weeks of the run before it’s over, YEA!! So, I’ve been refinishing our dining room table and have come to several conclusions. #1, An air powered orbital sander, using 240 grit sand paper, takes about 1 hour to chew through a very thin layer of clear coat on an area of about one square foot. #2, An electric vibrating sander with 36 grit sand paper STILL takes about 30 minutes to do the same thing. #3, In spite of all these cool and expensive pieces of equipment, it only takes about 30 minutes to chew through the clear coat on the remaining area of the 10 foot long table (with both leaves in) by hand using the vibrating sander as a sanding block (a 40 year old, ugly and obviously built in the seventies orange, poorly ventilated so it got really hot and burned my hand, cord keeps falling out, type of sanding block!). #4, Water based stains (which I did not know existed until the other day) actually work VERY well and dry in about 15 minutes. Also clean up is a breeze. #5, When a salesman at RC Willey tells you that a table is “Solid Oak” what they really mean is “Shut up and buy this veneered table so I can go rape someone else. And by the way, our top coat is guaranteed to not stick to the surface it’s applied to and thus will not be water tight.” Prognosis, when a pumpkin which appeared sturdy and healthy at the store is brought home and left on top of said table over night and turn itself inside out by literally melting all over, resembling a large pile of oozing orange internal organs on an oak operating table, you may suffer a little damage. The point is, it’s been a fun project and by the time I am done with it it’ll be about ¼” taller, due primarily to the protective clear coat I will be covering it with to ensure that this DOESN’T happen again. Anyway, we have a few rooms set up now and are well on our way to being unpacked and fully moved it. Also, it is becoming very apparent that our house is going to seem empty until we can eventually get a little more furniture. So I went to take my first midterm for my programming class on Friday. “How did it go?” you may find yourself asking. Well I’ll tell you. Cue music “He’s going to tell, he’s going to tell, he’s going to tell…Uh... could some one give me a push?” Well I had been a good little ant and had “done” all my studying and was all brushed up on the material that would be on the test. (I’m sure Chris will be about the only one who gets the reference to the “done” ant there so just laugh even though it’s a joke you probably don’t get. By the way, what was the name of that book Chris?) SO, I go beboppin’ on over to the testing center and, long story short (And by long story I mean that I actually typed it up intending on inserting it in this particular entry then sat back and stared at a 3 page blog entry which contained about 1500 words and a story that was painfully drawn out and wasn’t funny at all. In an effort to keep Heather interested and reading, I decided to shut up and stuff that boring and unimportant ‘tale of woe’ into a sentence or two) So anyway, I am stupid and read the date wrong so I had missed the testing period. It’s alright though, I was able to talk to the professor and declare that I was a moron and he’s going to let me take it on Wednesday. I don’t take full responsibility though, as he posts due dates as “Due Friday June 7 at 12:00am” which actually means “Due Thursday June 6 at 11:59pm” but whatever. So Jamie is back from
P.S. I have updated the Encyclopedia Stupidica with a few more things, so when you have a minute check it out!
P.S.S. When they broke open molecules, they found they were only stuffed with atoms. But when they broke open atoms, they found them stuffed with explosions!
I exhort you to never use that word again. That is the type of word that is reserved for childrens' stories and 50's poodle-skirt wearing hipsters. It really isn't something you should be doing as a grown man unless you have a knife in your hand and are performing a scene from West Side Story. (Meaning when-you're-a-shark-you're-a-shark-all-the-way and such)
First of all, let's get this straight--If you EVER miss a week again, I will break both your legs myself.
Secondly, I would have appreciated that three page blog, boring or not. Now I expect a three-part story entitled "What Happened on the Way to Taking my Test and What Happened (Or Didn't Happen) When I Got There."
Thirdly, now I'm mad because you cut the blog short on me.
And last, but not least, I bet Deliveror was the one who told you I was mad about the missed blog entry--he won't escape my wrath either!
HEY! Don't go spreading viscious lies about me. You don't know me. There is absolutely no proof that I told Shawn about your displeasure about the lack of blog entries over dinner at Wallaby's. I will not stand for this type of profiling. Mainly because profilin' is rawng (or wrong for those without the southern accent).
Ah bickering.
The book is "The Once and Future King." I don't know that I ever actually finished it, though it seems I wrote an essay about it.
Silly professors making dates all confusing and stuff.
Yay, death!
Te-hee, "Done". I get it, because I knew you two in high school. Yay house! When's the party?
Well, Deliveror, I'll hold off on the leg breaking because if you hadn't whined for me, I wouldn't have the new blog to read--that, and your dashing good looks make it hard to stay mad at you. I will say this, though: at some point you'll slip up. Then it's goodbye walking without a limp.
As for Shawn, if you could see the squinty eye and fist shaking I'm giving you right now, you'd know I still mean business...
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