One time, at Randy Beeman's house....

Well the big day has arrived, and what a day it’s been too. Last night as I sat down to study for my Chemistry lab today, I discovered that I had misplaced my Lab book. Normally not a big deal, but we have a quiz every lab right at the beginning of class and if you haven’t read through the procedures you’ll likely fail the quiz. I found out that they had a copy in the school library, which opens at 7am and my lab starts at 8, so I decided to get up early and go study in the morning. So after early morning negotiations with myself about whether it was worth getting up or not, I dragged myself out of bed at 6am (well more like 6:20 but whose counting) and got ready to go. We ht the library, got the book and started going at it. I should probably mention that the last 3 labs were due today too, so I was frantically trying to get them completed as well. Well 8 came around tragically fast and I ran down to lab and took the quiz. I think I did pretty well. Then it was time to start playing with chemicals and looking all cool in my goggles and such. I never did find my book and presume it to be lost forever. No big deal because it’s not returnable anyway. The biggest problem was not having it when I needed it and the fact that my locker number and combination was on a paper folded into it. Fortunately, my flawless and wonderful memory was able to recall the combination and locker number after having seen it only once the week before. Meanwhile, it’s V-day and I have things to remember to do. So after Lab I ran over to an unnamed retail location (whose name would suggest that they sell wall partitions) and joined about 6 other men who were frantically buying red heart shaped things and trying to remember what the different color of roses were supposed to mean. In other news, last night the Nikkinator was supposed to go to the gym while I was in class. When I met up with her afterwards and noted that she still smelled lovely and wasn’t wearing gym clothes. When I asked her about it, she told me that she was late leaving and didn’t get there in time. (end flashback) So I go BEBOPPIN’ into work and can’t help but notice there is a large bouquet of roses on my desk, accompanied by none other than my favorite Hershey almond filled hugs (you know the ones with the white chocolate swirls) and kisses. I love my wife, and apparently she loves me too. It’s no big secret that I like getting flowers, unless it is a big secret in which case I’ll have to flashy thing you. So I have chocolate and flowers and no chemistry lab book, and that’s been my day. Toodles!
Your wife does love you, and I'd prefer chocolates and flowers over a chemistry book any day. :D
Nikkinator, where are your priorities? Chemistry is was better then chocoloate for chemistry is the base upon which chocolate is built (watch Good Eats with Alton Brown and you will know what I mean).
V-Day pfft viva la S.A.D.
Well...normally I'd disagree with Archeious on the whole "S.A.D. is better than V-day" thing, but I will readily admit that I had an awesome time last night. Now I'm having internal struggles over the fact that eating pizza and watching "Mitchell" might just be as good as (or better than?) getting roses. :)
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