Nikki and I went yesterday and did our part to support democracy, and it appears the results are in. The question is, now what? It’ll still be a hundred years before we see fruition from the new taxes we’ll be paying with regard to light rail and such. One good thing that came from the elections, the cool stickers! Honestly, that’s why I went. Forget the whole elected officials thing, I just wanted a little American flag sticker that tells everyone I voted! You can’t help but feel insignificant though. I mean there are 300 Million people in the US, which makes your vote count for 0.0000000033% of what actually happens. (I’m aware that a certain percent isn’t of the voting age yet, but it’s an estimate and I don’t see you coming up with any better numbers) Granted that’s for National votes and these were state or region specific, but that’s a little on the small side of insignificant. Now is the real test, seeing who was lying and who wasn’t telling the truth. I wonder what the average percent is of the things a politician say’s he’ll do and what actually happens. I can’t help but feel it’s just like School presidency where they promise things that sound great and are really good ideas, but when they actually get into the position they have no where near the appropriate amount of power or resources to pull off what they were thinking. SO the hop on top of whatever “big” issue is floating by that day and hope the moronic cattle (that’d be you and I) who gave him this position forget about all those silly little things. I realize my view is somewhat shaded and cynical, but I have seen little good come from our elected officials. They are experts in stalemate, deception and secrecy. I submit that every facet of state government, with the only exceptions being certain information in law enforcement (I also support making criminal records public), be easily publicly accessible and audited more regularly in an effort to eliminate fraud and abuse of power. Furthermore I propose extraordinarily tough penalties for elected officials guilty of misconduct. For crying out loud I am sounding more and more like them. I guess everyone has their opinions about how things should be run, and good on them. Suffice it to say that I am frustrated with how our tax dollars are being spent, the lack of progress in so very many directions and the high level of inappropriate activity amongst our elected representatives. I promise this’ll be the last political rant I do this year, and I’ll try to stay out of it until the presidential elections come about in 2 more years. So until the I’ll be posting pictures of my truck and such.
I concur in that I ALSO will not talk about politics for about 2 years. Mainly because it raises my blood pressure and I get that vain thingy that stick out of my head when that happens....it's not a pretty sight.
You can all rest easy, I will limit my comments.
Last time I checked 3 != 100. commuter rail is a big project it shouldn't be expected that it will be completed in a year.
Goverment does quite a bit. The GOP congress gave us a tax break that lead to a good economy. That's right a good economy. Record breaking high home ownership, record low unemployment, and record high DOW. gotta love that "unbiased" media.
The information you seek is avilable. Look up FOIA (Freedom of Infomration Act. In fact this is a whole group of people that all they do is pick thru everything politicians do. they are called watchdog groups.
Once again thanks to the lovely media (curse you Woodward and Bernstein) you would think the goverment is full of corrupt individuals who only want to screw the american people. I makes me think of Captain Planet when the bad guys goal is to pollute.
It sounds like you are frustated because things are not changing so I put firth a question. What would you change and why?
Ok that wasn't really limited but oh well I have a strong political view.
....Yay for pictures of the truck and such....
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