Santa, will being teleported to our doom be fun and christmasy?

Yep, Christmas is almost here, less than a week away even. At this point I find myself trying to avoid going anywhere, seeing anyone or anything involving me being exposed to the holiday chaos. Since we have moved into our new house, we have had a total of zero unexpected visitors. We usually spend our evenings doing things (typically homework) in the piece and quiet of an empty house. That streak was ended last night in terrible ways. The first interruption came in the form one of the bishopric extending a calling to Nikki. She, being an optimistic person and always willing to help, quietly accepted her doom in primary (yea primary, the same place we’ve served since we were married and one of the causes of our unwillingness to engage in baby making!). Actually, I was quite surprised that he didn’t call me to something as well. So Mr. Dude-man leaves and it’s quiet and nice again….. until Nikki gets a look on her face like she’s forgotten something rather important. Apparently we were supposed to do our Tithing settlement last Sunday. However weather and traffic saw to it that we not only didn’t make it there on time, but completely forgot about it as well. So we ran over to the church and were able to squeeze right in due to a gap in appointments. This was the first time either of us had met our bishop, and it was rather a pleasant experience. He’s a very easy person to talk to and actually caries on a conversation at normal speed. He seems very down to earth and speaks very straight forward as Nikki was about to find out. Apparently word had gotten back to him (keep in mind this is within about 10 minutes of her getting her calling) that she was… less than excited to be called into the primary. The bishop came right out and said it to her. “So I hear you’re not very excited to be called to primary” he said in a very light hearted and respectful manner. “I’m not NOT excited to be in primary. It’s just that we’ve been there for 4 years now” she replied. She said she’s happy to serve in whatever calling she’s needed in and thus condemned herself to 10 year olds (though I’d estimate that is about the maturity level I have aspired to by now, so she should feel right at home). After this little exchange he looked at me, who was happily stuffing myself with the candy he’d offered (that’s right. CANDY IS DELICIOUS!!!). I gulped down taffy as he asked where my interests were in relation to a calling. That’s when I told him I felt that a calling right now would work, but when school started back up it’d be a problem. Thus the meeting ended and we were good to go. About 20 minutes after getting home, the doorbell rang again. This time it was the OTHER councilor who then requested that we speak in church. I guess we were on the hit list for that evening. I figure speaking in church is acceptable in place of a calling, especially right now where I can afford to put some effort into a talk. Meanwhile, Christmas draws slowly closer like a massive slow moving storm. It’s entertaining to watch everyone prepare at the last minute while you sit comfortably behind the walls or your “I-finished-early” fortress. Anywho, to those of you who haven’t yet finished, I send a loving wave of mockery in your direction. If you must travel, do so cautiously. Stay safe and have a great
The way it was starting almost expected to see
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
Then he growled, with his grinch fingers nervously drumming,
"I MUST find a way to keep Christmas from coming!"
For, tomorrow, he knew...
Funny how you should mention traveling cautiously--I totally got in an accident on the way home from your house! LOL--my headlight looks like a dislocated eyeball. Good times, good times. :) Merry Christmas, ya'll.
Dang Heather. I can't believe you went all the way home that night. That's why I tried to call you on your way convince you to stay the night in Happy Valley. Oh, well. You're alive, so we be happy.
BTW Candy IS delicious.
Son of a bee, Deliveror! I was going just call someone, but I thought everyone but you was asleep, and I thought I'd probably die on the way up to your house, and my phone was going to die too, so I just opted to die on the road instead. I'm brilliant, but alive nonetheless. Eh...yay insurance!
P.S. I'm not going to see any of you till it stops snowing. See ya next spring!
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