Sounds like someone has a case of the mondays!

Ah the Monday after a holiday weekend, is there anything more hated? Anyway, I had a good vacation. Wednesday I was able to get “The Jimmy” about 90% finished, though I worked on it until 2 am. By the time we got home it was 3 in the morning so Thursday we slept in until about 11. After dragging my face off the pillow, it was time to make some pies and my famous home made ice cream. At this point I feel impressed to warn everyone to NEVER use regular granulated salt to make ice cream, you MUST use rock salt. Thanksgiving was great. Get together with the family and eat like we all die tomorrow. After the afternoon meal, it was time for some serious laziness. My wife, mom and sister were busy planning their attack on the morning sales. My dad was valiantly holding down a chair, despite having had surgery on both wrists the previous day. After looking through the ‘deals’ and ‘super saver early bird sales’, Nikki decided that staying in bed sounded like a much better use of her time. I would have gone out if not for two simple truths. 1, we are nearly finished with Christmas shopping. Nikki, in her infinite wisdom as a woman (No really, just ask her! Or any woman for that matter!), has seen to it that I have an enjoyable holiday season by finishing our Christmas shopping early. Yes I hate Christmas shopping, and for no other reason than the people. The human creature, when faced with such an endeavor, de-evolves into a life form best described as prehistoric. 2, I don’t go shopping the day after Thanksgiving because I went… twice. After nearly punching an elderly lady for repeatedly clipping the back of my heels with her shopping cart, I swore to myself that I’d never go out again. Thus I slept, happily and dreamt of dinosaurs rampaging through my high school, only to have me chastise them for eating people and suggesting the plentiful livestock ranches as an alternative source of food. Life was good. After waking from this disturbing dream, it was time to head over and finish the Jimmy (te hee). It went pretty fast and we were out of there within two hours. From there we went over to Jamie’s house to start our Lord of the Rings fest. The intent was to watch the all of the extended editions in two days, and we did it. The last half was done at our place because Jamie’s dad commandeered the TV for the BYU Utah game, which was supposedly a good game but I don't much care. Sunday came without much warning, and I was able to wash my car for the first time in about two months (And likely the last time this year. This is also the reason the weather has turned wet and stormy incase you were wondering). That evening we had planned to have dinner with Nikki’s parents, so we drove up to
Black Friday the most vile day of the shopping calendar. I spent the day playing the Wii and picking up a new couch (a hand me down). I can't wait for the Jimmy (hehe) to be done.
Sounds like a very awesomefull weekend. My strange dream this weekend involved Dave and Ashley running over water-zombies in a truck. :D Points for the Red Dwarf refference. Yay! BYU finally won again!
Oh, PS, day after Thanksgiving sales are rarely worth it, and do usually end in violence. Good job Nikki for deciding to sleep instead! I did the same.
Ah the joyous holidays! Nothing better than family, friends, and food. Hopefully this year will be a good one that does not pass too swiftly. Mostly, I am looking forward to the 11 days off work I get. Hip Hip Horray for holiday vacation!!!
Congratulations on doing something effective on the day after Thanksgiving. Sadly, I had to go to work that day and I rued the day that someone came up with the idea of the Dayafterthanksgiving Sale. Even though I was not even attempting to go shopping, the daily grind was made all that much harder by the "From Zero to Retarded in 1.7 seconds" shoppers out on the road that day.
Also congratulations on getting done with some school. Even though you might get to be more social, I, on the other hand, will become less. Yes. The man that swore off education for the rest of his life will be going back to school effective immediately (seriously, I start tomorrow). So if you find that I become a ornery, raging, would-kick-you-in-the-teeth-instead-of-talk-to-you monster in the near future, you'll know why. But I've decided to go back to school so that the title on my business card can be lengthened even more:
'IT Support, Twinkie Master, Masochist'
Yes, you are indeed a nerd. I approve, though. Keep up the good work.
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