And now for the architecture skit!

Well my conscience has been yelling at me (and in this case my conscience consists of Big-H, Deliveror, Bog, and the Nikkinator) to create a new post for “Ye Ole Blog”, so I figured I’d see what I could come up with. Not much worth note has happened recently. We are currently birdless since Pete decided to fall off his stick and die. School is still school, and I am chewing through some serious notebook paper. Other than that, people are having birthdays and the year is ¼ over already. At this rate it feels like I’ll be forty by next week! (PS Why in the world does four have a “u” but forty doesn’t!? I hate Engrish!) Anywho, it’s been lovely outside lately. So lovely that I don’t want to be inside doing the things I am obligated to do (you know things like work, school, eating, running around in my Tarzan outfit, etc.) and I am sure many of you feel the same way. I am a little concerned that it’s technically not even spring yet and we’re seeing temperatures in the 70’s. This tends to suggest a summer that will attempt to out do hell itself. All I can say is YAY for compressed R-22! (That’s the stuff they use in home air conditioning units) I was thinking about making a MySpace page, and then I thought that maybe I shouldn’t. That’s about as far as I got. Here’s a disturbing question, how many buckets of doggie doo can two labs make over the course of a winter? And while you ponder that for a minute, just picture Big-H on the phone, unable to talk, making squeaky noises because of what a take out food box was saying to her. So Payson is cool. So far we’ve found that within a 10 minute drive, there are places to camp, shoot, 4 wheel, hike, and many other of my favorite activities. Also we’ve found some very nice restaurants tucked away in places you normally wouldn’t think to look. Also, in just a few days the countdown will start! But….. the countdown to what? BUM BUM BUMMMMMM!
Holy random thought-o-blog Batman! That is some wild and crazy stream of consciousness you got going there. I'm not sure that any single idea was fully developed. I'm still a little dizzy.
5 1/2 - that is the answer to the doggie doo question... Five and a half buckets.
Also, where have I been during the running around in a Tarzan outfit?! Cause, y'know, you could still do that and be OUTSIDE. In fact, it would be MORE like Tarzan to be outside... he he he...(bring on the video camera!)
Yea, this is sort of a mental cashe dump where I pretty much just wrote what my mind covered. This is an example of why I shouldn't have a way to spread my mental problems.
Wow, I must be pretty messed up because I didn't have any problems following along. Ohh a shiney...
I would say 4 out of 16 people would have had birfdays already.
Why does color have a u in england?
The real question is why are you running around in a Tarzan suit INSIDE!?!
Only two more days until spring.
R-22 wasn't he rejected from the Starwars movie in favor of R2D2? Don't you think that was a good decision?
MySpace = Boring
Why is the sentance talking about dog excrament and Big-H's fast food in the same (rather long) run on sentence?
Is it the final countdown (or in your case the finals)?
Lastly how many questions did I ask?
The Final Countdown......wasn't that an overly dramatic song sung by the group Europe?
Congratulations Maximus. You have been able to prove that your brain is capable of thinking about a lot of stuff (even if it is just rambling on about crap). This is more than can be said about my brain which currently saying "F the Salt!"
My goodness. I read this and the only thing that I come away with is: according to this I sound like a mouse or an extremely doped up monkey when I laugh really's funny because it's true. And it's funny just in general. Good job. I await the next post. :)
It is true, there is a great deal on the net about [url=]Thoi trang nam[/url], but we have found it to be spread all over the place. Perhaps you could have figured out that not all you have found will apply to you. Your particular situation will affect what additional areas of investigation you have to consider. Yes, it can be disheartening when you think you have all you need, but you really do not. This can prove to be a challenge for anyone if you need very specific kinds of information and help. Here are a few things we have found out about this topic, and hopefully it will be a few more pieces of the puzzle for you.
The general complexities of women's and men's fashion
Both men and women may feel the pressures of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's fashion frequently seems a lot simpler. Of program, for both sexes, garments and fashion options could be equally as delicate, and there are numerous'fashionable'items which can quickly become fashion faux pas - who will say they frequently see people walking on in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's fashion includes a few choice things that can exist forever - which man is going to keep an eye out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick classic cuts, colours and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
Why traditional men's fashion is amazing
The basic man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many varieties for different situations, but they are all common in their quest for a clever, sharp look for the individual. The best part about basic fashion for men is that it's effectively stylish effectively cool. A well-groomed lady will almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will be used to work in many professions due to the professional search it affords to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will be worn to several social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This extraordinary versatility that enables matches to be utilized in virtually all occasions is what gives it its timeless side and a lasting devote men's fashion.
Modern trends in traditional men's fashion
Whilst classic men's styles will never be changed, it is interesting to note that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced certain traditional garments back to fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, particularly, has taken back a wide-variety of basic models into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress yourself in a classic yet lavish way, operating in a sophisticated manner and placing value on appearance. This trend for almost'over-the-top'common fashion for men is apparent from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages dress in particularly Victorian-style outfit and take to the roads on vintage bikes - with most of the men sporting perfect mustaches! This really is only one of many samples of evidence exhibiting the revival of such designs. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on the web which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to giving articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, although certain facets of traditional men's fashion can be brought back as new movements, the essential clothes which they derive from will never fall out of fashion.
"All it takes certainly are a few basic clothes. And there is one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion retailer with a specialized angle.
Read More: [url=]thoi trang nam thu 2012[/url]
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