Mothers and flowers and sunshine and children...

Well it’s Wednesday ( he he, happy hump day) and I was supposed to start school this morning. So I go two-steppin’ (I used this instead of beboppin’) in to the chemistry department and find my class, when I realize that the whole floor is covered in construction equipment (Why it took me that long to realize it, I have no explanation. Suffice it to say that I don’t like mornings). After walking into class and expecting to be greeted by the smiling (or grinning, depending on how you look at it) face of my new professor, I note that I am the only one standing in the chemistry lab. As I exited the room I noticed a bright pink paper attached to the door (Again I haven’t got any good excuses for having not noticed it before) which elaborates on the details of the constriction project and its expected completion date in the middle of September. So I left. I DO have to go back in the afternoon though for Calculus, but I should be able to make it to HDR tonight. Due to a crammed schedule, the hunts being so close and a few other reasons, the camping trip will most likely not take place. As a suitable substitute I thought we might have a LAN party sometime in the next month or two and do some “camping” that way. This can either take place at my house or at some other location, what ever anyone feels like. If y’all don’t feel like it then maybe I’ll play alone one of these days and camp by myself. As always, I’ve been on the lookout for interesting things that might make a good “snippet” in the “plange” that is my Blog. However, more often than not, lately when I observe people, places, and general happenings in the world around me, I become… emotional. I know what some of you may be thinking. “Has he gone soft?” or “I didn’t think he had feelings.” or maybe “Where is my Van Halen T-shirt?” but the fact remains that my observations tend to invoke feelings. Are these the kinds of feelings that inspire men to write timeless songs about beauty and divine grace? No. They are more of the feelings that inspire men to jump off buildings without regard to their height and the consequences that may follow (very shortly mind you) from this decision. Yes I become angry. It seems that there are infinite ways in which people can manifest their stupidity and general lack of consideration for others and themselves. In short, it seems more than a few people are still running a 386. This is normally where I’d launch into some boring and long winded condemnation of the things I’ve seen, but not today. Instead I’d like to talk to you about bread. Bread? Yea, bread. You see, no matter what goes on in the world around you or how frustrated you become there is always one friend you can count on, and that friend is bread. It comes in more shapes, sizes and varieties than one can imagine and hasn’t changed significantly in the last 5000 years or so. Just think of it. It’s light and fluffy (Unless it’s not, then it isn’t), and goes with anything. It is the perfect place for jelly to lay, and when mated with peanut butter it becomes lunch. (it may concern some of you that I used the words mated and lunch in the same sentence, and that’s fine) Bread is a blend of stoichiometry, semi-micro biology, and physics. Bread can defy the weak forces of gravity, and even has the power to manipulate the fabric of space and time in your bowels. Yes bread is a wonderful thing. Something else that’s neat is bug killer, it’s my friend too. I have been committing genocide around the house in an effort to establish myself as the dominant species in my own little corner of the word. As many of you know, I have been building a Rock Crawler for about the past year. It’s by no means complete but I did pass a massive milestone recently. I’ve been on the lookout for a Flat Bed trailer to carry said crawler when it is complete, and I came across one just the other day. I have also been doing research on the type of front axle I wanted to use. All information I could find was pointing me to one known as the Dana 60. That’s fine so get one, right? Well, if money isn’t an issue in YOUR life then yes. Currently they are going for about $1000 for one that needs to be rebuilt and up to $3500 for one that has been rebuilt and has a locker. Mind you this is just for one axle. So I had put the hopes of obtaining one on the back burner for a while and started planning other things to work on. Anyway, as I went to look at this trailer I mentioned, I noticed a Dodge truck in the corner that was looking pretty dilapidated and ignored. After about 3 more steps I remembered that in my research I had read that the Dodge 1 ton trucks typically had Dana 60 front ends. Well my curiosity got the best of me so I bent down to take a look and indeed it was. I was excited but disappointed at the same time, because I knew he’d want a lot of money for it. So I asked if the guy wanted to get rid of the axles and he said that I could have both for $1500. Originally I thought he meant both axles, which is about market price and I don’t have the money. Then he clarified that both meant the truck and the trailer, which he was asking $800 for. We talked a bit more and came to the agreement that I could have both axles and the trailer for $1100, which breaks out to roughly $800 for the trailer (fair), $200 for the Dana 60 (WAY discounted) and $100 for the rear which has turned out to be a Dana 70 (worth about $400 and it’s currently listed on KSL). Long story short (too late) I get a really cool and expensive axle for basically nothing. So I am happy, and I’m eating Bread so I am more happiester. YAY!!!
I sold my emotions on eBay.
So now you have the axles, the trailer, whats next. I need to know where this story is going. Don't leave us hanging.
I Like Bread. But more specifically I like toast and everybody already knows my feelings on that matter. Although I never realized how scientific it actually is, it really is a miraculous staple.
Although I have no particular liking or hatred towards bug killer and Dana axels, I'm sure that there are people who do.
What I do like is Sharpie pens. They are quite handy. As I sit here an inhale their fumes, the work day just seems to fly by as the walls begin to melt.
Hooray for bread! I have been detailing the virtues of bread for many years now. It's nice to see that someone else understands. :D
Axels rock, yay!
I also quite like Sharpie pens. And now Sharpies come in all colors of the rainbow, hooray! I like colorful inhalants. :D
I perfer the Standford Expo dry erase markers. The tips have more surface area.
I agree that bread is awesome, like everyone else does. What I think is even more awesome is bread that contains chocolate. That's right. Chocolate layered bread. It irks me to the very core that this wonder can only be found in Taiwan....that I know of.
As for fun things to inhale, I likes me some music boxes. Said music boxes can usually be found in cigar stores, which also have a nice scent. I have expensive tastes, y'all.
The only Axle for me is Axlerod Gunnarson. He runs over your enemies, drains their life force, and gives it to you. Can a Dana 7/7 axle do that? I thought not. And if it can it's no wonder they go for so much.
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