And the least tasteful costume of the year award goes to....

Well I have some good news and bad news. The good news we (we meaning the group) didn’t get skunked. Luke got his first deer, and Scott got his as well. I didn’t get one because I am the kind of person who prefers to take the legal route rather than get an animal, which is my excuse for not bringing home meat. I did bring home some horns though. I found a set of horns from a HUGE non-typical buck. This is the kind of buck you piss yourself over before you attempt to shoot at it. Awe well, so the hunts are over. So I did well on my Chemistry test, and now I have a little time to relax before my next test. As I have been watching the news I read a story that I liked. I guess there are 2 fathers that lost their sons to heroin overdoses are starting a website to offer rewards for tips and leads that result in the capture of drug dealers. I thought this was a good idea and decided to add my twist to it. I think we should offer the street value of what ever drug is confiscated. That’d be a great reward I think, the only problem is where the money will come from. I miss hanging out with ya’ll. I am excited that I’ll be able to attend the Tuesday/Halloween night festivities (since I’m bringing the guest of honor) and I recommend the scariest movie of them all. That’s right ‘The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra’. I know ill get a second vote from Chris, a loud groan from Heather, and a sharp and violent advance on my genitalia from Dave. Really, what is on tap for scary movie night? Will these be silly, make fun of scary movies? Will they be scantily clad teenager cliché type scary movies? Will it be the kind of movie where the guy that looks like your next door neighbor goes nuts and kills an entire family while they’re asleep then eats them over the next 3 or 4 years while the police mistakenly rule him out as a suspect because he was supposedly seen at a bowling alley that night and the family’s brother-in-law spent 3 days in an institution a few years ago so he’s the main suspect? Or did I read about that one in the news? Either way I’m sure it’ll be great fun. I don’t care if it’s a costume party or not, I’m coming dressed up. Well I’m about out of anything worth saying (not that I mean any of the things I have already covered are worth saying) so I’ll leave you.
I second (or third/fourth) Skeletons of Cavadra. YEAH!!! I won't be dressing up fo rhte Tuesdays party. My hair is still red from Fridays party.
Yea for Halloween festivities that I can actually attend! I don't care what we watch, I'm just excited to get to see people after our month of recluse.
I might have to be vetoed on my vote against Lost Skeleton of Cadavra mainly because I think that CodeWeaver and Lashes need to see it for the first time.
Yay, skeletons! Does this mean there will be no UT2K4 though?
Are you serious? "A loud groan from Heather"? I loves me some of that movie!'s ridiculous, which is exactly why I love it. Too bad I can "see into the future" and I know we won't be watching it at the party. :)
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