It's a Goth Rock Speed Metal fusion of ..... lemony... goodness!

Well the antelope hunt is basically over now and we were able to fill 7 out of the 8 tags. Not too shabby for 2 days worth of hunting. All in all it was a pretty fun trip with no major unexpected trips to the ER. The weather was wet and cold so naturally I took advantage of the conditions to coat my truck with a nice thick layer of gooey sticky mud. We even got snow on Saturday morning, but it was gone by about noon and made more mud. After we got back the week started and now it’s half over while I’m left sitting here dazed and confused. So it’s Wednesday and I’m supposed to be having my Chemistry Lab today, and they actually have the Lab back together enough to hold class in there now. Anyway it’s supposed to start at 8 and go until 11. So I wake up early so I can make sure to be there for the first BIG day in Chem Lab, and get there at like 7:57. As I walk into the hallway where the class is, I note the unusually high concentration of waiting students. That’s ok, I’m a bit early so he’s got a few minutes to get here. Slowly the time ticks bye and people are getting more and more displeased with waiting in the hallway (me in particular). Soon, “Dude Man” (I use this in place of student because he’d been playing the cool kid in his Marilyn Manson t-shirt and iPod and had appointed himself as the spokesman for the group. Thus he shall be known as Dude Man) stands up and decides he’s going to do something about the situation, and trot’s off to the student center or something to alert some undoubtedly apathetic appendage of the administration of our plight. After returning he makes his report to the group that they had called him and he was on his way and expected within 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I am wearing a pretty nice line in the carpet from pacing back and forth in the same spot because I am too uncomfortable in this group of would be humans to join them in sitting on the floor. At about 9:15 I came to the conclusion that the teacher much be LDS because it’d been 45 minutes since he said “within 30 minutes” and we were still waiting. At 9:25 I see an older gentleman walking across the rain soaked lawn toward the building entrance, who’d just climbed out of bed judging by his hair. He walked in and didn’t say anything as he weaved his way through the sea of bodies strewn about the floor. As he approached the door to our prospective classroom many of the bodies perked up like a dog that hears you getting into their treat bag. FINALLY!!! After 90 minutes of pacing in the hall the teacher had arrived. An awkward silence dominated the filling lab room. I guess the heat got to him because he soon piped up saying “I haven’t really got any good excuse for being late, I just forgot”. FORGOT!? Whatever. At this point I was just bored and wanted something to do so I started reading the stack of papers we’d received. Curiously enough, the stack didn’t contain a syllabus. I later discovered the reason to be that he didn’t have any and that we’d hopefully get them next week. You may be thinking that the story is basically over here but it gets better. The ironic part of it is that this was supposed to be the “Safety Lab”. There had been a rather menacing note on the door of the would be classroom the week prior stating that attendance to this safety lab was mandatory and that anyone who failed to attend would be administratively withdrawn from the course. However, as you can imagine, many had grown impatient and had drifted off and not returned while waiting for “Captain Eyeballs-are-good” (I call him this because while we were going through the safety procedures he shared several stories about why you should always wear safety glasses in the lab and that chemicals can be dangerous when you’re an idiot, however I wasn’t paying a great deal of attention and all I heard was “Eye balls are good” about 7 times). Anyway, he took role and made several statements about the students who weren’t there being dropped from the program. I couldn’t help but think of all the times I’d wanted to leave and go to work but stayed. So because he is an irresponsible fool, the students have to suffer. Fortunately for me, I had more patience than normal this morning and was able to stay there and wear a nice long hole in the carpet. Nonetheless, it looks like it should be a pretty easy class and basically a guaranteed A. As for the UN conference yesterday, all I have to say is this. Hugo Chavez of
So, you all noticed that he said we filled 7 of the 8 tags. And who is the poor sap who can't hit the broad side of a barn? (or an antelope as the case may be..) That would be me. I will say though, that I do have a whole new respect for hunters. It is a LOT tougher than you think!
You have just described the majority of my experiences with the unprofessional teaching staff during my pursuit of a degree from the unbridled Utah Valley State Something-or-other. I'm still of the opinion that their charter is: If we can give them a half-assed education while we charge them full-assed tuition, so be it.
7 out of 8 (87%) isn't bad if you want a B+. :P Speaking of hunting you know what I do with a herd of would be humans?
At least you professor admitted the reason he was late was because he forgot. It is better then some lame excuse to try and comver his incompentance.
BTW when if the headless baby shower?
Thank you for reminding me that I need to vote this November. I'm also glad to have your permition to pencil you in. You do realize that if you do get elected you'll have to give all your friends HUGE tax breaks, cushy government jobs and free flags.
Yay flags!
All hail Lord Shawn!
Wow, Shawn with a uterus. That will keep me entertained for days.
I have to say that I was also unimpressed with the calibur of professors at UVSC. They have some really great instructors, and some that have been found wanting.
I wonder how many angry phone calls it will take before the idiot realizes that if he is 90 minutes late, he can't harass people for leaving.
I also support free flags!
I wish you'd create a comic with Captain Eyeballs-are-good. I'd read it. It's a very fetching title.
So... if you grow a uterus, and get pregnant, dosn't that mean you would have had to have sex with a man....with no head? hmmmm
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