Porky will save me! Turns out he'd bagsied my right buttock!

So it’s Monday again…. in a Wednesday kind of way. I am excited for HDR, as always, and am particularly happy because I haven’t got any chance of a random test springing up because they all were last week or the week before. Well the Elk hunt starts this weekend, and I’m feeling rushed as ever in preparing for it. It seems that no matter how much time you actually have it all comes down to the last few days. I’m not terribly enthused about hunting for spikes again. When it comes to meat I much prefer Cow elk to and Bull, and when it comes to antlers I am defiantly not excited about a spike. But it’s still hunting, which is something I really enjoy. I believe Nikki will be spending most of the hunt back in camp, which should greatly reduce her chances of sustaining another potentially life threatening injury. Since we’re down to only three horses now, I should have ample opportunity to work off the extra 15 lbs I’ve put on since starting school. I’m all for education but it had a few drawbacks. 1, no time for things you previously had time for. 2, little or no exercise opportunities due to less time. 3, other students and their inadequacy’s especially when a group environment is REQUIRED! *cough* >chem lab<. 4, test anxiety, something I suffer from to nearly an unhealthy degree. 5, professors that assume I am just another fresh out of high school student who has no experience in real world situations. 6, students that want to talk to me, walk near me, sit next to me, ask about my major, ask me what we SHOULD be doing because they were texting their friend or loved one while the directions were being explained, and the list goes on and on. It’s like High school all over again except that this time I am actually interested in learning stuff instead of just being there. But enough whining about something everyone already knows. If you haven’t looked at it already, Jeff’s site is coming along nicely. I created a user account on there and have begun to post a few little things on there. For instance my blurb about choosing a new password (http://www.arcanatower.com/?site=maximus_manimal). A cool interesting feature is that the Google advertisements at the bottom tend to change depending on what you’ve posted about. For instance someone posted about cell phones and it brought up advertisements about different typed of cell phones. I think I have confused the crap out of the thing because it’s reading really random stuff that has nothing to do with anything. I figure as long as I keep things general and not mention any specific topics, while continuing my typically random and nonsensical style of humor, it will eventually have a conniption fit and start recommending WebMD and link to Psychological health issues. That’s the goal anyway. Well, I knoe this one is short, but I’ve run out of things to say so I’ll see you all at that HDR in a few hours! Time for the Hump Day theme song! “The Hump Day dance is your chance to do the Hump, Frag me baby! Do the Hump Day Hump, Do the Hump Day Hump……”
Yes you have confused google. You are the confusion master. BTW you might not want to post your PHPSESSIONID in the url. It is possible for someone to hijack your session.
*/Dancing to the Hump-Day Hump/*
I too am excited about to get fragged tonight. Well, about school: Welcome to the main reasons I don't go back. As if I didn't have to deal with enough DEE-dee-dees at work, the last thing I need is to deal with them again in class. And for those of you who are thinking that college students are more mature.....YOUR FREAKIN' WRONG! There are still the same brain-deads, corner-cutters, and richard-craniums as there were in high school.
Hi, So... this is me commenting. Elk hunt - go shawn, although you will be riding a horse, seeing as there are three hunters and three horses. HDR, Yeah, I think I'm gonna try to go to the gym for the first little bit, because I too lead a very seditary lifestyle and it is becomming more and more obvious... School, yeah school is full of annoying people, but so is the entire world - get used to it. You find them at school, at the store, on the road, and pretty much any public place that you go. so what do you do about it? just do the hump day hump!... such disturbing images....
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