The Library is full of them!! Librarians?

I know it’s a bit of a cliché but I am feeling particularly patriotic today. I shouldn’t have to remind anyone what day it is, and if I do you need to go ponder why you live in this country. As I drove to work this morning I couldn’t help but notice that there were several flags poking up around the valley that were visible from the freeway. In fact there were only a few small spots where I couldn’t see a flag from my vantage point. I don’t know if they were there because of the day or if I just hadn’t noticed them before. One thing is certain, there are few things as powerful as our flag waving gently in the crisp fall morning breeze. So it would seem to be Monday again, and here we all are back at work and school, the weekend having passed by like a bullet. Lately I have been observing children more closely in an attempt to begin preparation for having to deal with one on a more consistent basis. Just like their older counterparts, they do stupid things almost constantly. In fact, the only difference seems to be the severity of the screw up and the fact that children have an excuse. My argument of children being sticky was reinforced yesterday at church where a young girl wandering around happened to briefly touch my pant leg and left a small hand’s worth of squished banana type substance. The cold hard truth is sinking in that I’ll someday be responsible for someone’s pants being dirty. I stopped at my chemistry lab earlier today to see what the story was for Wednesday and it seems that it’ll be yet another week until I they are ready for us to be in there. At this point one begins to ask questions about how much of the material we’ll be skipping or if they just intend on bending us over the newly finished and quite lovely countertops. Either way it’ll be something to talk about I guess. So about the French. I don’t claim to be any type of linguist but it seems to me that if you’re going to bother putting letters in a word you should probably pronounce them. Otherwise you’re just wasting time… and potentially useful syllables. The Antelope hunt started this weekend and we’ll be heading out Friday morning to kill a few, and by a few I mean 7. Hopefully I’ll come back with all kinds of fun stories about how Nikki got her animal and didn’t get hurt and we got mud all over my truck. So until then, have a happy week!
Children... [shiver] do I really need to say more.
We try to keep our flag up all summer (memorial day-patriot day). On the radio they had a chocolate fountain of freedom. At first I thought it was kind of disrespectful then I thought about it. This truely is a blessed land, we have chocolate fountains instead of religous zealots. Well we have those to but they rarely bare arms and attack people.
Since the patriotism is high at the moment, I feel it is time to take a stand.
I feel we should make it mandatory for people to learn the entire Star-Spangled Banner. Yes, that's right ALL THREE VERSES. (Technically there are four but no one actually sings #3.) If nothing else, before sporting events, races, etc. we should sing the first and the last verse. Of course the ACLU would throw the Royal Tizzy about said verse, but it is a truly powerful verse and I believe it would inspire more people to be patriotic and/or religious.
O thus be it ever when free-men shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation;
Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Besides, I rue the day that we ever decided to just sing the first verse! Why is that you ask? Because it ends in a QUESTION! And not even a rhetorical question.....O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Grrrrrr......I just rued again.
And thus ends my rant.
Wow...Deliveror ended a rant about a post about patriotism and children without mentioning children...I feel lost and a little cheated. :)
As for the sticky hands thing--baby wipes, my friend. I learned early that they are a cure for everything when it comes to children.
I was thinking earlier that we're fortunate that today we had just another "normal" day. Things could have gotten so much worse from there (present war excluded). It's a great country we live in and it's very nice that everything is still being remembered respectfully.
you're weird but I love ya, maybe that's why I love ya, any way good boy for not forgetting those who died 5 years ago. LUVS! the French are weird too, and I don't love them... hmmmm
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