Wonderboy, and the malifluose attack of the unhappy head crabs!
it's here. IT'S here. IT'S HERE!!!! Yesterday it finally came, yes the moment i've waited for since......well since i've waited for it, has finally come. Last night i promiced my wife i'd work on other things until the sun went down, but then it was time for happy man to get lost in the superior rendering of the incredible graphics of modern gaming technology. And i did. After installing, which was quite painless, i began to play. Before long it was midnight and i was enthrawled in HL2. Mappyness abounds, joy to the happy man (me), and ladedoodeda. CHICKEN!!! My computer is complete, with some possible exceptions of a Laser mouse, and i am trying to design a compressed R-22 cooling system to keep the inside of the case at about -40 Ferenheit. But for now i am set. Bring on the UT04 fest!!!!