Friday, July 13, 2007

Go to Hell world!

Alright, you all asked for it. With a unanimous vote of 7 to 0, you all have subjected yourselves to my incoherent ramblings which I have deemed unfit for public display. Thus I issue my first entry. I have modified it slightly to be more fluid and all around more palatable, but it maintains the original intent. I present to you a rant Inspired by the observation of Dr. Martin Luther King day accompanied by a number of other annoyances. Enjoy!

In observance of Dr. Martin Luther Kind day I’d like to issue a statement. Having heard numerous accounts of people on several sides of various issues surrounding human rights throughout history, I have fulfilled my obligation as a critical listener. I have formed an opinion of my own based on the experiences I’ve had and the things I’ve been exposed to. History has been recorded by the winners of wars throughout our past as a species. Starting with etchings on cave walls and leather skins, we have recorded “our” history for future generations. Generations who we assume will inherit our sense of what the world is all about and come to appreciate things in the same way we do. It’s this naïve expectation which often separates generations and causes dissention among offspring and offspringers (I declare that this is now a word). We are indeed in a unique situation in that no other species (that we know of) faces these specific challenges. You don’t see goldfish rebelling with a rainbow afro, bellbottom fins and white powder under its… well gills I suppose. Nonetheless, these are the challenges we face. And we deal with it in the standard human response of pointing the finger at someone else. We’ve become experts at placing blame on creative scapegoats. So what are we doing to change this? This is where we fall back on another human past time of just not caring and thus doing nothing. We only see our side of things, feel that anyone who opposes our ideals is wrong and they are the ones in error. I find it ironic that English officials, whose past is clouded with the horrors of a thousand wars and the infamous tower of London, are making statements about Iraqi executions needing to be carried out with “more dignity”. What is civilized? What is modern? What is right? If the people of “old world” countries wish to remain in the Stone Age, who are we to prevent them from doing that? If they wish to kill, maim and destroy everything their ancestors have built, who are we to stop them? If they want to kill us, burn our country to the ground, purify a new world race under one banner claiming to act and live in the name of God, why should we stop them? What difference does it make? If you believe in a higher being, you are prompted to believe that there is a life after death and you shall be punished for the things you did wrong, rewarded for the things you did right, and know the face of your Deity. If you do not believe in a higher being, you are led to understand that we are beings of flesh, bone, and biological processes simply wandering around a curiously habitable planet with no hope of doing anything worth note. Either way this world will end in a spectacular manner. In my lifetime, we shall not know world peace because we can hardly even imagine it (although numerous gadgets on Star Trek are imaginable and have since come to pass). In my lifetime we shall not know justice because no one is able to even agree on what justice is (let alone trying to accomplish it). In my lifetime we take steps forward and backward at the same time. In my lifetime science explains our world to an amazing degree of accuracy, yet is still looked upon with suspicion. In my lifetime we can’t handle the truth, because it doesn’t agree with what we think we know. In my lifetime, men lie because they can and no one will stop them. In my lifetime no one knows who they are or what they are doing; we merely follow what we’ve been taught to do by others who had no idea what they were doing. In my lifetime good men are not found because they no longer exist. In my lifetime we are confused (though this is hardly a new development). In my lifetime Royalty is nothing of note, whereas wealth is all we seem to care about. In my lifetime falsity is honorable as long as the ends justify the means. In my lifetime everything is tracked and recorded, but never utilized. In my lifetime the only things worth seeking are impossible to find. In my lifetime normal is unusual and bizarre. In my lifetime hatred equals love because of someone else’s opinion of how the world works. In my lifetime everything you ever wanted is exactly what you should never get. In my lifetime you should never meet your hero’s. In my lifetime one has two faces (or more). In my lifetime justice is blind, def, dumb, autistic, political, time sensitive, contingent, expensive, impersonal, theoretical, inconsistent, arrogant, . I fear bringing children into this world. I fear life almost as much as I fear death. In know enough to realize that I truly don’t understand much. I feel man, as a race, has no good left in him, only greed (which, don’t get me wrong, has brought us a long way). He uses anyone’s property and anyone’s name to meet his own ends. Man is becoming an interstellar parasite with all the charm and subtlety of a massive nuclear maggot! That having been said, I officially declare myself no longer a member of this species (if only). I now belong to the race of the Quagaar. Just call me a warrior rotisserie chicken! (Then again, this is only MY opinion.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The bardish flaming trip of DOOM!

Well we survived our Cedar City trip to the Shakespearian Festival, despite all the flames. I would be inclined to recite a chronological history of events, but most likely the only ones who will end up reading this were on that trip. Suffice it to say that we had a lot of fun. In place of my boring words I’ll provide a link to the photos:

As you can see, flaming surroundings was a bit of a theme (right down to the gayish manner of the dancers at the festival). Also, the Mexican food cocktails were great! Of course, as with every road trip, there were a number of crazy inside jokes that came about. Many of them were induced by lack of caffeine and/or lack of good sleep, combined with the volatile mixture of friends. Here’s a sample:

* The Jumbo-Large nature of my water bottle

* The fact that we stayed at the Knights Inn (*insert Alf laugh here* HA! ‘cuz it’s knights at the Shakespearian Festival, and that’s where we slept at night! OH MAN!!)

* Cedar Cities remarkably long… Ford

* Whoa, that’s good BLOW!

* The horrible realization that we were all vulnerable to Midnight Junking

* Oprah’s Va-Jay-Jay (Gah, Jibblies!)

Also of note were:

* The scientist at the M&M factory who quite obviously hated his job.

* Heather making baby Jesus cry by gambling her innocence away (BETTING WHORE)

* Me waving at all the truckers we passed with my toes while I was in the back of the car

* Apparently drafting WILL drastically improve gas mileage

* Captain Spock’s falling in love and making out with a chick

* And it turns out that Chris, Justin, Mandy, and Miranda don’t like being awakened by a body being repeatedly hurled into their hotel room door!

All in all it was a great trip. Feel free to add anything I may have overlooked or wasn’t present for.