Happy Holidays

I know it's cheesey but i just want to wish those of you (i.e. both of you) who read this a Merry Christmas and New Year. In hindsight i thought i mught recap the years events fro this time last year until now.
January: Work was still rolling along on the house. The laundry room was nearly finished. The Dodge Intrepid had just blown up the for the first time and i was beginning to regret the purchase. I was also enjoying my job as the Special Projects Manager for Barnes Bullets, despite my overbearing boss. Realeased from being a sunbeam teacher.
February: called as Elders Quorum secretary. Realizing that Building a Gaming Machine was more achievable than originally thought, i began to purchase parts for said project. (had Mind set on Radeon 9800 Pro for a GC) Also i believe this is the month i set the laundry room on fire. (oops!) Had Dodge running again after a 3 week battle with the ignition system (i won....kind of).
March: The backyard was growing grass like crazy and i started to wonder how many times a week i'd have to mow it (this turned out to be about 2). Nearing completion of Gaming Machine (Changed mind to BFG Tech NVIDIA 6800 Ultra) and eagerly awaiting arival of processor. Starting to realize that my boss is a big jerk and i might have to do something about it. This is also the month i started my Blog. :-)
April: Won an e-bay auction for my dream graphics card and could not wait for it to arive for the beast. Also began to work on my Rock Crawler (still planned as a "Super Subaru"). Pushing the house sale pretty hard through variouse means of advertisement.
May: Gaming machine internals complete and (though i did not know it yet) a Laser mouse would be added to the arsenal by the end of the month. Realized that Barnes is not the place for me and (foolishly) relocated to Bear Creek Soups in Heber (about 70 miles away). Happy Birthday me! Dodge Intrepid blows motor for the second time (begin to rethink the purchase again). Had an incredible experience with friends in Vegas for the Blue Man Group concert (thanks again Dave). Also my Moms dad dies after a 4 month battle with several types of cancer.
June: I realize that i hate my new job after the 1st day (this is not an exageration, just ask anyone who knew me at the time) and begin applying to US Synthetic. The birth of Hump-day Reprisal (still going strong mind you) The Dodge is back together and running, again, and is up for sale. Nikki passes her Hunters Safety coarse and is legally able to hunt (watch out). Coined the phrase "But Sex Cake". I am still not sure if i'll have to answer for that one after i die.
July:Finally get a Job at US Synthetic and start having a normal schedule again. Rick and Erin are Married. Dave is decidely "cool". People seem interested in our house (liars :-P) Obtained Land Rover body for Rock Crawler.The house looks great, particularly the backyard.
August: My sister gets married. Archery hunt opens and i think, why did i do this again? Pepper (one of our horses) gets hurt pretty bad. I spend much time in the mountains hiking my butt off (don't worry, it grew back. In fact i think it came back bigger) We Finally sale the Dodge.
September: Still crawling around the mountains trying to find a Buck (this never actually comes to fruition). Coined the word "Hermitified". Fuel prices jump after a hurricane wipes out several refineries and thousands of homes in the south. I get a new Car ( also i finally figured out how to put pictures up, see top of page) (and i still haven't even been pulled over, thanks mom :-P)
October: Archery season is over and i have nothing to show for it, and i mean nothing (not even the arrows i started out with). Starting to feel a little lonely. My dad kills an Elk on opening morning. This same morning Nikki gets kicked in the face by a horse and suffers a broken jaw. pretty much spent the rest of the month taking care of my wife and working. I foolishly comment on things calming down and settling for the Holidays (i think this is a particularly interesting piece of irony. the best part is that i did it to myself).
November: Although not much was posted for this month we finally sale our house. Nikki recovers form her injury and is able to chew soft foods for Thanksgiving.
December: Nikki gets all the metal removed form her mouth. I begin to think of School and enroll at UVSC in Pre-Engineering. The Holidays creep into our lives all at once. My grandfather (dads dad) goes into the hospital for "indigestion" (actually a heart attack) and dies 1 week later of Congestive Heart Failure. The Funeral is tomorrow.
Upon reading through the past years events i have realized 2 things. 1, life has a funny way of kicking you when everi it wants. 2, i really need to watch my typing errors having found multiple mistakes i hadn't yet noticed. May your holidays posess the spirit of the season and may your travels proceed safely.
Merry Christmas