And now for the architecture skit!

Well my conscience has been yelling at me (and in this case my conscience consists of Big-H, Deliveror, Bog, and the Nikkinator) to create a new post for “Ye Ole Blog”, so I figured I’d see what I could come up with. Not much worth note has happened recently. We are currently birdless since Pete decided to fall off his stick and die. School is still school, and I am chewing through some serious notebook paper. Other than that, people are having birthdays and the year is ¼ over already. At this rate it feels like I’ll be forty by next week! (PS Why in the world does four have a “u” but forty doesn’t!? I hate Engrish!) Anywho, it’s been lovely outside lately. So lovely that I don’t want to be inside doing the things I am obligated to do (you know things like work, school, eating, running around in my Tarzan outfit, etc.) and I am sure many of you feel the same way. I am a little concerned that it’s technically not even spring yet and we’re seeing temperatures in the 70’s. This tends to suggest a summer that will attempt to out do hell itself. All I can say is YAY for compressed R-22! (That’s the stuff they use in home air conditioning units) I was thinking about making a MySpace page, and then I thought that maybe I shouldn’t. That’s about as far as I got. Here’s a disturbing question, how many buckets of doggie doo can two labs make over the course of a winter? And while you ponder that for a minute, just picture Big-H on the phone, unable to talk, making squeaky noises because of what a take out food box was saying to her. So Payson is cool. So far we’ve found that within a 10 minute drive, there are places to camp, shoot, 4 wheel, hike, and many other of my favorite activities. Also we’ve found some very nice restaurants tucked away in places you normally wouldn’t think to look. Also, in just a few days the countdown will start! But….. the countdown to what? BUM BUM BUMMMMMM!