Go to Hell world!

Alright, you all asked for it. With a unanimous vote of 7 to 0, you all have subjected yourselves to my incoherent ramblings which I have deemed unfit for public display. Thus I issue my first entry. I have modified it slightly to be more fluid and all around more palatable, but it maintains the original intent. I present to you a rant Inspired by the observation of Dr. Martin Luther King day accompanied by a number of other annoyances. Enjoy!
In observance of Dr. Martin Luther Kind day I’d like to issue a statement. Having heard numerous accounts of people on several sides of various issues surrounding human rights throughout history, I have fulfilled my obligation as a critical listener. I have formed an opinion of my own based on the experiences I’ve had and the things I’ve been exposed to. History has been recorded by the winners of wars throughout our past as a species. Starting with etchings on cave walls and leather skins, we have recorded “our” history for future generations. Generations who we assume will inherit our sense of what the world is all about and come to appreciate things in the same way we do. It’s this naïve expectation which often separates generations and causes dissention among offspring and offspringers (I declare that this is now a word). We are indeed in a unique situation in that no other species (that we know of) faces these specific challenges. You don’t see goldfish rebelling with a rainbow afro, bellbottom fins and white powder under its… well gills I suppose. Nonetheless, these are the challenges we face. And we deal with it in the standard human response of pointing the finger at someone else. We’ve become experts at placing blame on creative scapegoats. So what are we doing to change this? This is where we fall back on another human past time of just not caring and thus doing nothing. We only see our side of things, feel that anyone who opposes our ideals is wrong and they are the ones in error. I find it ironic that English officials, whose past is clouded with the horrors of a thousand wars and the infamous