Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What if he's got a pointed stick?

Yea, I know I’m slacking! SO, there are THINGS going on, yes? Here’s the news. We will be closing this after noon (June 28) and it looks like we’ll be able to move in right away. We should get the keys tomorrow (June 29) and then we are set to start bringing stuff over. I will be taking Friday off of work and moving as much in as I can. This weekend we hope to be getting most all of our stuff over there and hopefully get the vitals unpacked so we can start living there. Also, My Fair Lady is nearing the opening night and preparations are frantic with last minute things, polishing the scenes and finishing up costumes and what not. And now having dropped my calculus class, I only have the two online classes going. History is mildly entertaining but mostly boring. I think this is largely due to the heavy emphasis on the political side of American history as opposed to the cool stuff like assassinations, war, espionage, intrigue, and of course learning that pretty much every American president was hated by the end of their term no matter the circumstances. I used to think that distrusting politicians was merely because of a few “bad apples” but the more research I do the more I find that ever since the pre-Civil War era the majority of them have been corrupt, hypocritical, money grubbing, weasely, in it for them selves instead of the people they represent, morons worthy of being dragged into the street and beat to death with a clown shoe! He he >Squeak!< And it is with that in mind that I nominate myself for the office of the president! “If elected I promise to have all of your legs sawn off! ... and replaced with legs of PURE GOLD! Plus I will grant you the power to fire lasers from your head!” (This is the part of the campaign where I promise you ridiculous things just to get your vote. These things will never come to pass but because I am so superior to all of you voters, you will fail to see this until I’m elected and then get offended when you realize that you are stupid. Another reason you’ll vote for me is because the only other candidate who can tie his own shoe is a slobbering moron who campaigns by attempting to change every law /amendment /commandment /religious reading that you hold dear and right. Besides, the way he looked in one particular moment of one particular conference when he was really excited was a little scary. As entertainment to the “voters” we will hold press conferences and debates and what not where we will discuss “complicated” subjects like whether we should allow gay abortionists to remove the word “God” from the influx of violent immigrant child abusers who CLEARLY play too many video games with vile acts of self desecration in them! [By the way these are current issues I pulled off of the Berkley web site]) But in spite of all that, you will love me as your president for about half of my term. At that point, there will inevitably be some controversy with no “meet in the middle” solution and I will be forced to make a decision (which equates to actually DOING something and is therefore above and beyond the call of duty for a politician). Will this decision be based off of popular opinion? … No. Will it be based off of important insider information that only the president and a few others have access to? ....Cool but no. Will it be decided on my political affiliation showing support and respect to those that helped me to get in my current position? ….Well, no because I have forgotten ‘them’ and those little people can die in a festering pool of “buyer’s remorse” for all I care. Will it be because I don’t really care and just picked a side at random without considering the consequences of my actions both malignant and benign because this issue only affects other people that I care nothing about? DING DING DING! At this point my popularity will fall and people will start holding pathetic little demonstrations upon which I seriously consider releasing rubber Nuclear Weapons! (Have I made my point yet about disliking politicians yet or should I go a little further?) Anyway, that’s history for you, and by association it is also apparently the future so GET USED TO IT!


Monday, June 19, 2006

By Grabthar's hammer, what a savings

So it’s nearly the end of June now, and I am wrapping up my Trig class in fact I have my final tomorrow. Also, I start my Calculus class on Wednesday so I don’t get much of a break. Things on the house are presumably going well and we should be set to close in just over a week now. Then it comes time to move all of our collected crap from any of about 5 different locations into our house. I now have my axle completely welded together and ready to bolt in under the frame. This would have been done on Saturday, But some greedy little cheese eating surrender monkey decided to go and buy all of the steel I needed in 1 day. So I am waiting until I can get my hands on the steel I need to finish it. So until then it sits, reverently, quietly, just as still as it can be. Ok that was a bit lame, but that’s me. Anyway, MFL practice is about to speed up and become a hot item. We’ve only got two more weeks until it opens so there is much that needs to be done. Really there isn’t anything interesting going on, unless you count being hopelessly busy as interesting. My head feels about to explode from studying. But in other news it’s time for my shameless sellout of the afternoon. ”Are you feeling like less of a man? Have you tried acting all macho but just haven’t got the emotional drive to get you there? Do you just need a little more ‘Man-power’ for an upcoming occasion? Well then try new Testosteroni from Chef Boyardee. Fun noodles in the shapes of things guys like, such as: Dragsters, hunting rifles, steak, robotic killing machines, our best noodle representation of an explosion, and of course female body parts best left un-described! Now what says ‘I’m a man’ better than eating a noodle shaped like Chuck Norris!? And we haven’t forgotten you twisted little FREA ..….. uh alternatively attracted ‘individuals’. Yes that’s right! We also cater to the gay community with our new ‘I wish I had no Penne Alfredo’. Noodles that are an abomination to organized society and those who participate in….. I mean fun shapes that’ll keep you giggling.” There, shameless product introduction of the afternoon is done. So anyway, I’ll leave you with that so you can ponder the fun and giggley shapes. Oh the shapes!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Someone set us up the Bomb!

I hate hauling hay, but it is good to have it done for the year. Well the house inspection went very well. A couple very minor things were found but then I’d be a little suspicious if we had found nothing. Something I found interesting as well is that the house is pre-wired with Cat5 jacks I almost every room downstairs! This is very cool for a lot of reasons that need not be explained. After having looked into Utopia, we have come to two realizations. One, it is MUCH less expensive than I though it was going to be which is VERY cool!! Second, it is piped in across the street……but not to our house. Thus it will be about 3-6 months before we can get it, and get it we shall! Until then I am afraid we’ll have to whore ourselves out to Qwest or something. Other than that we are just about ready to close on the house, and their home is almost finished as well so I think we’ll be able to move in right at the end of the month. My Fair Lady is going well. I am now a choreographed dancing idiot. We don’t have practice this week because the director is going to be in New York so I am wondering if there will be an HDR this Wednesday. The Crawler is coming along. Yesterday I built the brackets I need to attach the tie rods to the axle. Now I just need to drill them, weld them and then build the tie rods them selves and I’ll be ready to mount it all up! All in all, this part of the project has gone much faster than I had expected. Once together it’ll be ready for me to start getting the body mounted and functional. I like building stuff. Again, I hope to post some pictures as I go. I’ll be posting the first after I get the brackets welded. School is going well and I am nearing the end of my Trig class. This is cool for two amazing reasons. And now for something completely different. We are hoping to still do the camp out thing later in the summer (probably the end of July or first part of August) and as we get closer I’ll keep you informed. I have changed a few of my links after someone pointed out an error. Also, you may have noticed a few more random comments than normal. This is because I was required to build a little website for my programming class and I included a link to my blog. Thus the comments about ness and thingies of the nature having changed slightly, rendering it yet more interesting! Thus I digress!

Monday, June 05, 2006

My Eyes Hurt!!!

Well I don’t know about anyone else, but Monday came WAY too fast!! I spent most of Sunday in a hazy blur, then next thing I know I am at school! Awe well. What a party eh? My final totals were 8.5 hours on Friday and 13.5 hours on Saturday for the grand total of 22 hours of gaming. It was great to see everyone as well, and then pin them to the wall with a crossbow bolt! I had dreams of HL2. We’ll defiantly have to do that again in a few months once everyone has fully recovered from any injuries sustained. All in all I’d say that was the smoothest Quakefest I’ve ever attended. It seemed that no one had any problem with their computer, and thanks to Dave’s foresight we had most all of the games pre-installed. I have some pictures and I’ll have to upload them to Shane’s page for all to enjoy. Well, things are still going on the house purchase. We will be doing the home inspection on Saturday the 10th. The address is 443 E. 800 S. in Payson. The easiest way to get there is to take the second Payson exit and go East (Left off the freeway if you’re coming from the north) stay on that road for quite a while. You’ll pass through bit of town (as opposed to those roads that DON’T take you through “bits” of town) and it’ll widen towards the end with a pretty little barrier thing in the middle between the two lanes. Keep going past these and it’ll be on the North side (Left side) of the road across from a large grove of old trees. We will be there from about 1 until about 4 so feel free to come down take a look at the place if you wish or you can help if you’re so inclined. Well I’ve officially started my C++ Programming class now, and I am already almost done with the first week’s worth of homework. It doesn’t look like it’ll be too tough, but some classes start out that way then destroy your face with pencil fragments!! Hopefully it won’t be one of those classes. At any rate, things are going. I am getting ready to purchase the Rear disk Brake kit for my Crawler thanks to those who have contributed to the fund in the form of Autozone Gift Cards!! Hopefully I’ll have a picture to add to this post soon of what the Axle looks like so far and where it’s going. Thanks for the comments and keep it up!