Dreams of a gamers Linux...

So it’s Monday again, and I don’t recall there being a weekend. Then again I spent Saturday moving all of my garage crap over to our house and Sunday working on my crawler. So I guess the weekend happened, it was just more work that the week usually is. Well my front axle is officially mounted. I hadn’t expected it to go that smoothly but it’d there. Also, next time we have a shin-dig over at my place you’re all hereby recruited to help me lift something. It should only take about 5 minutes and if we can get 4 people it’ll be pretty easy. The antelope hunt is drawing near, and the cooler temperatures are giving me the itch to get out and kill something. Nikki will be hunting this year too, and I look forward to helping her bag her first big game animal. I took her out shooting the other day to make sure she was comfortable with the gun she’d be using and she did pretty well. I think she’ll be fine and I hope she’s excited. Well as many of you know, my RAID setup in my computer bit the big one last HDR. Indeed it was one of the hard drives, so my whole system was toasted. I have all of my Red Dwarf and other videos on a separate hard drive and I hope I can get access to that drive once I am set back up. O ordered another drive (this time it’s a Western Digital) and according to the UPS tracking number it should be on my front porch when I get home. So I should be able to attend the next HDR with a running machine. I have an official recommendation for the next stupid movie night. Nikki and I sat down and watched it last night and it is absolutely perfect for the occasion. The 1960’s version of Batman, complete with trained explosive sharks, ball point bananas and villains that are scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of evil plots. I wouldn’t put it in the same category of The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, but I think it’d be great to heckle. Since school has started up again, I find myself running back and forth between class and work everyday. Chemistry is kind of boring so far in that we’re covering things that people of the age of the attending students should’ve known for years. I am sure it’s a nice refresher to cover some of this (a refresher of 4th grade) but common sense has got to be a part of peoples lives. I think the first class you take in college should be Common sense 101, where you “refresh” how to tie your shoes and make it to the bathroom on time! Seriously, we’re talking basics stuff here. Anyway, Calculus is moving kind of slow as well, although we’re actually covering decent material. I think my basis of comparison may be a bit skewed though because the only other class I have taken on campus was my summer block Trigonometry/Chinese class. The third class I am taking this semester is Psychology. This class is just a joke so far. It’s an online class, and the web site is a complete mess. There are no explanations about what the assignments are or how you’re supposed to complete them. In the discussion board there are endless comments from confused students wondering what they should be doing. From what I have gathered, the first assignment is supposed be a short essay that introduces you to the teacher so they can “get to know you”. Personally I doubt that they even read these, but see that you did it and give you a grade based on the title of the paper. (example grading scale: -20% for using the word “introduction” in the title, +20% for sexual innuendo in the title, -20% for putting your name in the title and -20% more for being male or having a name that SHOULD be a man’s name, -40% for spelling out numbers in the title, full credit for not having a title or having a title that reads “Why I love psychology!”, etc) I’m not impressed so far. But I trudge on none the less. Here’s a good idea, lets see what is happening in the world that is important enough in the world to be reported to the masses. Hmm, well it appears a woman’s car was crashed while she was giving her dog driving lessons in china. (http://www.ksl.com/?nid=333&sid=452351) That’s worthy of my time to read! It seems