If I'm a child that means you're a pedofile!

Yes it’s time for another installment of one crazy man’s rant. So last week was a bit busy because of a Chemistry test I had coming up. So Tuesday was studying the whole night, Wednesday was HDR, Thursday was more studying and Friday morning was the actual test. I tend to be the type of person that gets a bit of test anxiety and no matter how much I study and prepare for the exam, I never feel quite ready for it. However, the time came and I had to prove my mettle in written form. Fortunately for me, chemistry is pretty easy. I won’t gloat about my score but I did do acceptably well. At this point you may be wondering why I told you this, right? I mean who cares, everyone has tests that they take and people often do well on them. Well, while I was in the testing center I had to remove my shoes and allow my feet to dry. The rain, and at some times snow, we’ve gotten over the past few days combined with UVSC’s watering policy of growing their lawn in a lake, left a bit of standing water about campus. It was only now that I discovered that I have worn a hole in the bottom of my shoes and they are now wet enough that when I walk I hear squishy sounds (and not the cute kind either). So, normally this would be smelling up the place, but the abundance of moisture kept the smell to a bare minimum (HA! get it? bare… feet … oh the laughagement. I KILL ME!!). After my test it was time to go to work where I spent most of the day bare foot as well and then went home. So it’s time to buy shoes. I hate buying shoes. Not because I don’t enjoy new shoes or because I don’t like shopping (I quite enjoy it when it’s for the right things like weapons, explosives or bread) nor because I am a man. I hate shopping for shoes because I have ZERO choices (unless you count not buying shoes a choice). True that most shoe stores have started carrying sizes up to 14, however if you don’t have feet in those ranges you probably haven’t taken the time to look at the available styles. Couple that with the fact that the only reason I buy size 13 shoes is because of the abnormal width of my feet. In fact they are wide enough that I require at least 13 Wide, although my true size is somewhere around a 12 Triple Wide. So we walk into Payless for the second time (don’t ask) and pull every single pair of 13W shoes they have, which totaled 9 pairs. After eliminating 3 off the top because of their looks, I was down to 6. Basically I ended up just choosing two pairs because none of them were what I was looking for to replace the pair I had worn out. Anyway, that’s my trauma with shoe shopping. I think men enjoy shopping for things like shoes and clothes if stores would cater to them like they do to women. That’s why gay guys like shopping so much, because they wear women’s clothing. So on with the blog. As many of you are aware I have been working on one of our large machines because a power surge violated the integrity of our automated system. As I have been going through the whole system and replacing things that went *poof*, I have noticed a few gripes with the data collection and automation system as a whole. So I mentioned some of my observation in yesterday’s meeting and it was agreed that these problems were a little more than minor. So I was told to look into it and present hat it would take to remedy these problems so we can get them fixed. This morning I made my presentation and recommended that we not only revamp the data transfer system but also automate the collection systems as well. I calculated that this’ll save the testing department about 2 hours per week per person and significantly reduce the amount of human error we face. After presenting it I was chosen to spear head the process and oversee everything to make sure it gets done to the satisfaction of all those involved. Bottom line, I feel smart. Ok, enough of my self-validation.